For many workers across the country it’s the start of a second week of remote working. Prompted by a post by Nicola Shaw of National Grid I thought I’d share a few thoughts, as we at Reliance specialise in protecting utilities as well as other key workers. This is the first part of what will be a regular series of posts.
Breath-taking commitment
Firstly, I want to acknowledge the superhuman efforts of those key workers who are playing such an important role in the fight to contain the COVID-19 pandemic.
From the doctors and nurses on the front line, to the researchers working on vaccines, such as in university laboratories and the workers keeping the lights on and the water flowing, it really is a breath-taking display of commitment in the face of the greatest challenge the UK has faced in modern times.
I am honoured that Reliance High-Tech is helping all these people – and many more – stay safe, secure and able to continue their essential work.
Keeping you up and running
Even during this crisis, we are still working to protect you.
Our office teams have transitioned fully to home working, whereas our key workers such as those managing our monitoring station, as well as our engineers, are helping ensure power and water companies remain safe and operational at a time when the reliable supply of water, electricity and gas is crucial.
Our systems currently protect University College London, where a team of scientists are working around the clock to create the mechanical breathing aids needed to treat those suffering from the coronavirus.
Many of our 40,000 lone worker devices and support team are keeping those working in the NHS, including essential new workers, safe and secure – at a time when they are working to their absolute limits.
Finally, we are proud to include many of the UK’s police forces, the Criminal Justice system, the defence sector and national Government as clients. We are working hard to keep their people, assets and reputations secure too, and help maintain their operational effectiveness in the light of massive disruption.
I thank all at Reliance High-Tech for their efforts, as well as the efforts of their fellow key workers.
Remote, not removed
In the light of all this it might be stating the obvious, but clearly, we at Reliance High-Tech are still here to help. Our technology infrastructure has allowed us to seamlessly adapt, allowing us to maintain our commitment to protect our customers’ people, assets and reputations – precisely when they are needed the most.
Our engineers and workers servicing critical sites are fully briefed, following all social distancing and other recommendations to ensure the safety of themselves and clients alike. At the same time, we are able to deliver many of our services remotely and monitor your sites from our accredited Alarm Monitoring Centre.
Indeed, we are working with an increasing number of organisations who have pulled back on manned guarding and now require urgent remote monitoring instead. This can range from basic alarm-based monitoring to full monitoring of video surveillance, access control and intrusion alarm systems. We can even undertake virtual tours of a building, where we proactively interrogate the systems remotely and do a virtual walkaround of the site. So, while remote working may be the order of the day for many at the moment, it may just be here to stay in some areas.
Stay safe. Stay home where you can. Practice social distancing. And I look forward to updating you each week on what the team at Reliance High-Tech is doing to play its part in these challenging times.