Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR has always been of great importance to Reliance High-Tech and has been a key driver of our strategy and business model since well before it became a marketing buzzword. Today we continue to focus on environmental issues, work to give back into the community, and support several charities, as well as empowering and supporting our staff in their own charitable endeavours.

Epilepsy Action – Charity of the Year

Epilepsy Action is a British charity providing information, advice and support for people with epilepsy. Epilepsy Action provides freephone and email helplines and a wide range of information booklets, web pages and e-learning courses. It has around 100 local support groups across England, Wales and Northern Ireland and a network of volunteers working in the community. It also organises conferences for people with epilepsy and health professionals with an interest in the condition. To know more visit:

Reliance Technology Care Solutions offers innovative smartwatch apps and 24/7/365 alarm monitoring services to support independent living for people with various medical conditions, blending cutting-edge technology with expert care. Learn more about Reliance Technology Care Solutions here:

Defence Employer Recognition Scheme – Bronze Award

The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) encourages employers to support defence and inspire others to do the same. The scheme encompasses Bronze, Silver and Gold awards for employer organisations that pledge, demonstrate or advocate support to defence and the armed forces community, and align their values with the Armed Forces Covenant.

The ERS is designed primarily to recognise private sector support although public sector organisations such as the emergency services, local authorities, NHS trusts and executive agencies are also eligible to be recognised.

Reliance High-Tech was awarded Bronze in Defence Employer Recognition Scheme for supporting UK Armed Forces personnel. View certificate here.

Blue Lamp Foundation – Charity of the Year

The charity was founded in 2010 by PC David Rathband after suffering life changing injuries from being shot at close range by Raoul Moat. The Blue Lamp Foundation helps those from the emergency services who have been injured, physically or emotionally, in the line of duty by providing funding and support towards, treatment, rehabilitation and out of pocket expenses.

Given Reliance High-Tech’s close relationships to a number of police forces and the NHS, this is a perfect fit for our charity of the year. We are looking forward to giving something back to such a worthwhile cause and the brave men and women of the emergency services who sacrifice so much for us.

Working With Blue Lamp Foundation

Reliance has allocated a day of paid leave to all employees, across the business, to support Blue Lamp Foundation. Several individuals have taken on responsibility for working with Blue Lamp Foundation to co-ordinate activities, so that we can provide help that meshes well with the projects and activities being undertaken by the charity’s various branches around the UK.

Fund Raising

Throughout the year Reliance High-Tech’s employees will engage in a range of activities to raise funds and help with the vital work that this charity carries out – activities that last year raised a magnificent £2,090 for SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity.

Keep an eye on our blog for news of the fund-raising activities we complete for Blue Lamp Foundation.

The Security Benevolent Fund

Administered by the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals, the Security Benevolent Fund (SBF) exists to assist members of the security profession who are distressed and in need of welfare support.

Aiming to assist those who have fallen on hard times, SBF funds medical care and support to help them back into normal work.

Reliance recently worked with the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals at an event to raise funds and awareness for the SBF.


Reliance has run an apprenticeship programme for several years, taking individuals new to engineering through to full competence. Running over a two-year period, our programme combines on-the-job learning with formal training at specialist colleges. During 2019 we have three apprentice Security Engineers working at various Reliance sites across the country.

Our commitment to the apprenticeship model rests in part on the excellent experience we have had with our apprentices – they have contributed significantly to our success over the years. The programme also helps us, in a market short of skilled individuals, to nurture and develop the talents and skills we need. Additionally, we have a desire to support and prosper the community – our apprenticeship programme is one of the ways in which we do that.


Reliance takes environmental issues seriously, as evidenced by our environmental management system, fully audited under the ISO14001 NSI EMS Gold Scheme.

We aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 5% each year. Our paper usage is down by 20% over the last five years.

We measure our environmental impact monthly across our fleet of vehicles. We now have a fleet of electric cars and hope to migrate our van fleet within the next 3 years. All our sites and have recently scored 100% in every category in our Achilles Health and Safety, environmental, quality and CSR audit.

In terms of the wider environment, we support lots of different activities, for example, this year we have provided sponsorship to Groundwork through our partners at Grosvenor. Groundwork is a federation of charities mobilising practical community action on poverty and the environment across the UK. We’re passionate about creating a future where every neighbourhood is vibrant and green, every community is strong and able to shape its own destiny and no-one is held back by their background or circumstances.

Watch the groundwork video here.